Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Гао-ван (Тай-цзу, Ко-ван, Тхэджо)[1] — военачальник Когурё, основатель и правитель средневекового корейского государства Пальхэ в 698—719 годах. Имя — Тэ-Чоён[1].
Был выходцем из Когурё. Отец — когурёский полководцец. Впоследствии Тэ-Чоён также стал полководцем Когурё.
После разгрома киданей в 697 году китайские войска двинулись против мохэсцев и когурёсцев. Цисы Биюй погиб, но Тэ-Чоён сумел собрать войска и отступить на восток. После длительного марша в 698 году ему удалось устроить засаду и разгромить преследовавшую его китайскую армию. Эта весомая победа позволила Тэ Чжоён объявить в 698 году о создании государства Бохай[2]. Он самовольно присвоил себе титул князя Чжэнь, который в своё время был пожалован Китаем его отцу. Спустя 15 лет Тэ-Чоён получил пожалование на «владение Бохай» и титул вана (князь) от танского Китая, то есть формально признал сюзеренитет империи Тан над своим государством. Умер в 719 года. Наследником стал его сын Да Уи.
Остро стоит вопрос об этнической принадлежности Тэ-Чоёна. Есть факты, которые можно интерпретировать в пользу того, что он был мохэсцем, но многие южнокорейские исследователи стараются доказать, что он был когурёсцем. По мнению наиболее известных южнокорейских учёных Тэ-Чоён все-таки был мохэсцем[3].
王紫璇 / Wong Zi Suen
Место рождения: Сичан, провинция Сычуань, Китайпереведено
Был выходцем из Когурё. Отец — когурёский полководцец. Впоследствии Тэ-Чоён также стал полководцем Когурё.
После разгрома киданей в 697 году китайские войска двинулись против мохэсцев и когурёсцев. Цисы Биюй погиб, но Тэ-Чоён сумел собрать войска и отступить на восток. После длительного марша в 698 году ему удалось устроить засаду и разгромить преследовавшую его китайскую армию. Эта весомая победа позволила Тэ Чжоён объявить в 698 году о создании государства Бохай. Он самовольно присвоил себе титул князя Чжэнь, который в своё время был пожалован Китаем его отцу. Спустя 15 лет Тэ-Чоён получил пожалование на «владение Бохай» и титул вана (князь) от танского Китая, то есть формально признал сюзеренитет империи Тан над своим государством. Умер в 719 года. Наследником стал его сын Да Уи.
Остро стоит вопрос об этнической принадлежности Тэ-Чоёна. Есть факты, которые можно интерпретировать в пользу того, что он был мохэсцем, но многие южнокорейские исследователи стараются доказать, что он был когурёсцем. По мнению наиболее известных южнокорейских учёных Тэ-Чоён все-таки был мохэсцем.
Гао (ван Бохая)Гао (ван Бохая) Гао (ван Бохая) Просмотр темы.
Гао (ван Бохая) что, Гао (ван Бохая) кто, Гао (ван Бохая) объяснение
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Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 24 апреля 2015; проверки требуют 17 правок. Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 24 апреля 2015; проверки требуют 17 правок.Гао-ван (Тай-цзу, Ко-ван, Тхэджо[1]; умер в 719) — военачальник Когурё, основатель и правитель средневекового корейского государства Пальхэ в 698—719 годах. Имя — Тэ-Чоён[1].
Был выходцем из Когурё. Отец — когурёский полководцец. Впоследствии Тэ-Чоён также стал полководцем Когурё.
После разгрома киданей в 697 году китайские войска двинулись против мохэсцев и когурёсцев. Цисы Биюй погиб, но Тэ-Чоён сумел собрать войска и отступить на восток. После длительного марша в 698 году ему удалось устроить засаду и разгромить преследовавшую его китайскую армию. Эта весомая победа позволила Тэ Чжоён объявить в 698 году о создании государства Бохай[2]. Он самовольно присвоил себе титул князя Чжэнь, который в своё время был пожалован Китаем его отцу. Спустя 15 лет Тэ-Чоён получил пожалование на «владение Бохай» и титул вана (князь) от танского Китая, то есть формально признал сюзеренитет империи Тан над своим государством. Умер в 719 года. Наследником стал его сын Да Уи.
Остро стоит вопрос об этнической принадлежности Тэ-Чоёна. Есть факты, которые можно интерпретировать в пользу того, что он был мохэсцем, но многие южнокорейские исследователи стараются доказать, что он был когурёсцем. По мнению наиболее известных южнокорейских учёных Тэ-Чоён все-таки был мохэсцем[3].
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
(перенаправлено с «»)Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 24 апреля 2015; проверки требуют 17 правок. Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 24 апреля 2015; проверки требуют 17 правок.Гао-ван (Тай-цзу, Ко-ван, Тхэджо[1]; умер в 719) — военачальник Когурё, основатель и правитель средневекового корейского государства Пальхэ в 698—719 годах. Имя — Тэ-Чоён[1].
Был выходцем из Когурё. Отец — когурёский полководцец. Впоследствии Тэ-Чоён также стал полководцем Когурё.
После разгрома киданей в 697 году китайские войска двинулись против мохэсцев и когурёсцев. Цисы Биюй погиб, но Тэ-Чоён сумел собрать войска и отступить на восток. После длительного марша в 698 году ему удалось устроить засаду и разгромить преследовавшую его китайскую армию. Эта весомая победа позволила Тэ Чжоён объявить в 698 году о создании государства Бохай[2]. Он самовольно присвоил себе титул князя Чжэнь, который в своё время был пожалован Китаем его отцу. Спустя 15 лет Тэ-Чоён получил пожалование на «владение Бохай» и титул вана (князь) от танского Китая, то есть формально признал сюзеренитет империи Тан над своим государством. Умер в 719 года. Наследником стал его сын Да Уи.
Остро стоит вопрос об этнической принадлежности Тэ-Чоёна. Есть факты, которые можно интерпретировать в пользу того, что он был мохэсцем, но многие южнокорейские исследователи стараются доказать, что он был когурёсцем. По мнению наиболее известных южнокорейских учёных Тэ-Чоён все-таки был мохэсцем[3].
Ван Гао (王郜) был военачальником поздно в китайской Династии Сильного запаха династии, которая управляла Схемой Ииву (義武, размещенный в современном Баодине, Хэбэе) после следования за его отцом Ваном Чукуном в 895 до его поражения в 900.
В 900, крупный военачальник Чжу Цюаньчжун военный губернатор Схемы Суаньву (宣武, размещенный в современном Кайфыне, Хэнани), главный соперник союзнику Ван Гао Ли Кеионгу военный губернатор Схемы Hedong (河東, размещенный в современном Тайюане, Шаньси), послал его генералу Чжан Цунцзину (張存敬) север, чтобы попытаться подчинить союзников Ли Кеионга к востоку от Гор Taihang. После первого принуждения Ван Жуна военный губернатор Схемы Чэндэ (成德, размещенный в современном Шицзячжуане, Хэбэй), чтобы подчиниться, Чжан напал на Схему Ииву. Ван Гао послал своего дядю Вана Чажи, чтобы сопротивляться Чжану. Ван Чажи защитил строить заборы, чтобы попытаться препятствовать продвижению армии Суаньву, утомить его, прежде, чем нанять армию Суаньву. Однако чиновник Лян Вэнь (梁汶), утверждая, что у армии Ииву было числовое преимущество, защитил непосредственную конфронтацию. Ван Гао таким образом заказал тот. Чжан, однако, сокрушил армию Ииву и убил более чем половину ее солдат; остающиеся солдаты сопроводили Вана Чажи и сбежали назад в капитальную Префектуру Звона Ииву (定州).
Сталкивающийся с поражением его дяди, Ван Гао сбежал к Схеме Hedong. (Солдаты впоследствии поддержали Вана Чажи как действие военного губернатора, и он смог обеспечить мирное соглашение с Чжу, согласившись подчиниться Чжу.) Ли Кеионг дал ему почетную почту. Он умер рано в эру Tianfu (901-904).
1. Хангыль – The Korean alphabet, known as Hangul in South Korea and as Chosŏngŭl/Chosŏn Muntcha in North Korea is the alphabet that has been used to write the Korean language since the 15th century. It was created during the Joseon Dynasty in 1443 by King Sejong the Great, in South Korea, Hangul is used primarily to write the Korean language as using Hanja in typical Korean writing had fallen out of common usage during the late 1990s. In its classical and modern forms, the alphabet has 19 consonant and 21 vowel letters, however, instead of being written sequentially like the letters of the Latin alphabet, Hangul letters are grouped into blocks, such as 한 han, each of which transcribes a syllable. That is, although the syllable 한 han may look like a single character, each syllabic block consists of two to six letters, including at least one consonant and one vowel. These blocks are arranged horizontally from left to right or vertically from top to bottom. Each Korean word consists of one or more syllables, hence one or more blocks, of the 11,172 possible Hangul syllables, the most frequent 256 have a cumulative frequency of 88. 2%, with the top 512, it reaches 99. 9%. The modern name Hangul was coined by Ju Sigyeong in 1912, han meant great in archaic Korean, and geul is the native Korean word for script. Taken together, then, the meaning is great script, as the word han had also become one way of indicating Korea as a whole the name could also potentially be interpreted as Korean script. Korean 한글 is pronounced, and in English as /ˈhɑːn. ɡʊl/ or /ˈhɑːŋɡʊl/, when used as an English word, it is often rendered without the diacritics, hangul, and it is often capitalized as Hangul, as it appears in many English dictionaries. Hankul in the Yale romanization, a system recommended for technical linguistic studies, North Koreans call it Chosŏngŭl, after Chosŏn, the North Korean name for Korea. Because of objections to the names Hangeul, Chosŏngŭl, and urigeul by Koreans in China, until the early 20th century, Hangul was denigrated as vulgar by the literate elite, who preferred the traditional hanja writing system. They gave it such names as these, Achimgeul, in the original Hanja, it is rendered as 故智者不終朝而會,愚者可浹旬而學。 Gugmun Eonmun Amgeul. Am is a prefix that signifies a noun is feminine Ahaetgeul or Ahaegeul Hangul was promulgated by Sejong the Great, the Hall of Worthies, a group of scholars who worked with Sejong to develop and refine the new alphabet, is often credited for the work. The project was completed in late December 1443 or January 1444, the publication date of the Hunmin Jeong-eum, October 9, became Hangul Day in South Korea. Its North Korean equivalent, Chosongul Day, is on January 15, various speculations about the creation process were put to rest by the discovery in 1940 of the 1446 Hunmin Jeong-eum Haerye. This document explains the design of the consonant letters according to articulatory phonetics, to assuage this problem, King Sejong created the unique alphabet known as Hangul to promote literacy among the common people. However, it entered popular culture as Sejong had intended, being used especially by women, the late 16th century, however, saw a revival of Hangul, with gasa literature and later sijo flourishing. In the 17th century, Hangul novels became a major genre, by this point spelling had become quite irregular
2. Ханча – Hanja is the Korean name for Chinese characters. Borrowed from Chinese and incorporated into the Korean language with Korean pronunciation, hanja-mal or hanja-eo refers to words that can be written with hanja, and hanmun refers to Classical Chinese writing, although hanja is sometimes used loosely to encompass these other concepts. Because hanja never underwent major reform, they are almost entirely identical to traditional Chinese, only a small number of hanja characters are modified or unique to Korean. By contrast, many of the Chinese characters currently in use in Japan and Mainland China have been simplified, and contain fewer strokes than the corresponding hanja characters. Today, a working knowledge of Chinese characters is still important for anyone who wishes to study older texts. Learning a certain number of hanja is very helpful for understanding the etymology of Sino-Korean words, hanja are not used to write native Korean words, which are always rendered in hangul, and even words of Chinese origin—hanja-eo —are written with the hangul alphabet most of the time. A major motivation for the introduction of Chinese characters into Korea was the spread of Buddhism, the major Chinese text that introduced hanja to Koreans, however, was not a religious text but the Chinese text, Cheonjamun. One way of adapting hanja to write Korean in such systems was to represent native Korean grammatical particles, for example, Gugyeol uses the characters 爲尼 to transcribe the Korean word hăni, in modern Korean, that means does, and so. However, in Chinese, the characters are read as the expression wéi ní. This is an example of Gugyeol words where the radical is read in Korean for its meaning. Hanja was the means of writing Korean until King Sejong the Great promoted the invention of hangul in the 15th century. However, even after the invention of hangul, most Korean scholars continued to write in hanmun and it was not until the 20th century that hangul truly replaced hanja. Officially, hanja has not been used in North Korea since June 1949, additionally, many words borrowed from Chinese have been replaced in the North with native Korean words. However, there are a number of Chinese-borrowed words in widespread usage in the North. The replacement has been less total in South Korea where, although usage has declined over time, some remains in common usage in some contexts. Each hanja is composed of one of 214 radicals plus in most cases one or more additional elements, the vast majority of hanja use the additional elements to indicate the sound of the character, but a few hanja are purely pictographic, and some were formed in other ways. This dual meaning-sound reading of a character is called eumhun, the word or words used to denote the meaning are often—though hardly always—words of native Korean origin, and are sometimes archaic words no longer commonly used. South Korean primary schools abandoned the teaching of hanja in 1971 and it is taught in separate courses in South Korean high schools, separately from the normal Korean-language curriculum
3. Бохай – Balhae, called Bóhǎi in Chinese, was a kingdom in present-day northern Korea, areas of Chinas Northeast, and Russias Maritime Province. Balhae was established under the name Jin by former Goguryeo general Dae Jo-yeong in 698 after his defeat of the Tang China at Tianmenling, Balhaes original capital was at Dongmo Mountain in modern Dunhua, Jilin Province. In 742 it was moved to the Central Capital in Helong and it was moved to the Northern Capital in Ningan, Heilongjiang in 755, to the Eastern Capital in Hunchun, Jilin in 785, and back to the Northern Capital in 794. According to a Chinese source, the kingdom had 100,000 households, archaeological evidence suggests that the Balhae culture was an amalgamation of Chinese, Korean, and indigenous cultures. Korean scholars consider Balhae as the part of the North–South States Period of Korean history, Balhae was founded in 698 under the name Jin or Zhen. Jin is the modern Revised Romanization of Korean 진, the same as the earlier Jin state, the former states character referred to the 5th earthly branch of the Chinese and Korean zodiacs, a division of the orbit of Jupiter identified with the dragon. This was associated with a bearing of 120° but also with the period between 7 and 9 am, leading it to be associated with dawn and the direction east. The latter states name may have simply been a variant transcription of this or may have intended the characters meaning of thunderclap, shock, tremor. In 713, the Tang dynasty bestowed the title Head of Bohai Commandery to the ruler of Jin, in 762 the Tang dynasty of China recognized it a kingdom and renamed it Bohai. The earliest extant recorded mention of Balhae comes from the Old Book of Tang, southern Manchuria and northern Korea were previously the territory of Goguryeo, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. Goguryeo fell to the forces of Silla and the Tang dynasty in 668. The Tang annexed much of western Manchuria, while Silla unified the Korean peninsula south of the Taedong River, after Dae Jungsang’s death, his son, Dae Jo-yeong, a former Goguryeo general succeeded his father. Geolsa Biu died in battle against the Tang army led by the general Li Kaigu, Dae jo Yeong managed to escape outside of the Tang controlled territory with the remaining Goguryeo and Mohe soldiers. He successfully defeated an army sent by Wu Zetian at the Battle of Tianmenling. Which enabled him to establish the state of Balhae in the region of Yilou as King Go. The second King Mu, who felt encircled by Tang, Silla and Black Water Mohe along the Amur River, attacked Tang with his navy in 732 and killed a Tang prefect based on the Shandong Peninsula. In the same time, the king led troops taking land routes to Madushan in the vincity of the Shanhai Pass and he also sent a mission to Japan in 728 to threaten Silla from the southeast. Balhae kept diplomatic and commercial contacts with Japan until the end of the kingdom, Balhae dispatched envoys to Japan 34 times, while Japan sent envoys to Balhae 13 times
4. Сюань (ван Бохая) – Dae Insu, also known as King Seon was the 10th king of the Korean kingdom of Balhae. He restored national strength, and is remembered today as the last of the great Balhae rulers before its fall, Dae Insu was a 4th-generation descendant of Dae Joyeongs younger brother, Dae Ya-bal. In spite being from the branch, he succeeded to the throne during the years of 817 and 818. He reestablished royal authority, and strengthened the military tremendously, King Seon concentrated heavily on the empires territorial expansion, and led campaigns that resulted in the absorption of many northern Malgal tribes including Heishui Mohe. Southwest Little Goguryeo in Liaodong was absorbed into Balhae, and also he ordered southward expansion towards Silla, during his 12-year reign, he dispatched embassies five times to Japan, which was aimed at establishing diplomatic relations as well as increasing trade between the two kingdoms. Balhae emissaries were treated even though Japan wanted Balhae to restrict the size of the embassies due to the costs associated with hosting them. The trade routes established across the Sea of Japan led to Balhae becoming one of Japans most important trading partners and he died in 830 and his grandson Dae Ijin succeeded to the throne. Balhae List of Administrative divisions of Balhae The extension of Balhae empire under King Mun and King Seon The 5 capitals and the 16 prefectures of Balhae under King Seon reign in 820
5. Когурё – Goguryeo was an active participant in the power struggle for control of the Korean peninsula and was also associated with the foreign affairs of neighboring polities in China and Japan. The Samguk Sagi, a 12th-century text from Goryeo, indicates that Goguryeo was founded in 37 BCE by Jumong, a prince from Buyeo, after its fall, its territory was divided among the states of Later Silla, Balhae and Tang China. The name Goryeo, a form of Goguryeo, was adopted as the official name in the 5th century. In the geographic monographs of the Book of Han, the word Goguryeo was first mentioned in 113 BCE as a region under the jurisdiction of the Xuantu Commandery, page 33. In the Old Book of Tang, it is recorded that Emperor Taizong refers to Goguryeos history as being some 900 years old, in 75 BCE, a group of Yemaek who may have originated from Goguryeo made an incursion into Chinas Xuantu Commandery west of the Yalu. At its founding, the Goguryeo people are believed to be a blend of people from Buyeo and Yemaek, as leadership from Buyeo may have fled their kingdom and integrated with existing Yemaek chiefdoms. The Records of the Three Kingdoms, in the section titled Accounts of the Eastern Barbarians, implied that Buyeo, the earliest mention of Jumong is in the 4th century Gwanggaeto Stele. Jumong is the modern Korean transcription of the hanja 朱蒙 Jumong, 鄒牟 Chumo, the Stele states that Jumong was the first king and ancestor of Goguryeo and that he was the son of the prince of Buyeo and daughter of the Yellow River deity Habaek. The Samguk Sagi and Samgungnyusa paint additional detail and names Jumongs mother as Yuhwa, Jumongs biological father was said to be a man named Haemosu who is described as a strong man and a heavenly prince. The river god chased Yuhwa away to the Ubal River due to her pregnancy, Jumong was well known for his exceptional archery skills. Eventually, Geumwas sons became jealous of him, and Jumong was forced to leave Eastern Buyeo, the Stele and later Korean sources disagree as to which Buyeo Jumong came from. The Stele says he came from Buyeo and the Samgungnyusa and Samguk Sagi say he came from Eastern Buyeo, Jumong eventually made it to Jolbon, where he married Soseono, daughter of its ruler. He subsequently became king himself, founding Goguryeo with a group of his followers from his native country. A traditional account from the Annals of Baekje section in the Samguk Sagi says that Soseono was the daughter of Yeon Tabal, a wealthy influential figure in Jolbon and married to Jumong. However, the same source states that the king of Jolbon gave his daughter to Jumong. She gave her husband, Jumong, financial support in founding the new statelet, Jumongs given surname was Hae, the name of the Buyeo rulers. According to the Samgungnyusa, Jumong changed his surname to Go in conscious reflection of his divine parentage, Jumong is recorded to have conquered the tribal states of Biryu in 36 BCE, Haeng-in in 33 BCE, and Northern Okjeo in 28 BCE. Goguryeo developed from a league of various Yemaek tribes to an early state, in the time of Taejodae in 53 CE, five local tribes were reorganized into five centrally ruled districts
6. Тан (династия) – The Tang dynasty was an imperial dynasty of China preceded by the Sui dynasty and followed by the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. It is generally regarded as a point in Chinese civilization. Its territory, acquired through the campaigns of its early rulers, rivaled that of the Han dynasty. The dynasty was founded by the Lǐ family, who seized power during the decline, the dynasty was briefly interrupted when Empress Wu Zetian seized the throne, proclaiming the Second Zhou dynasty and becoming the only Chinese empress regnant. In two censuses of the 7th and 8th centuries, the Tang records estimated the population by number of registered households at about 50 million people. Various kingdoms and states paid tribute to the Tang court, while the Tang also conquered or subdued several regions which it controlled through a protectorate system. Besides political hegemony, the Tang also exerted a powerful influence over neighboring states such as those in Korea, Japan. Like the previous Sui dynasty, the Tang dynasty maintained a service system by recruiting scholar-officials through standardized examinations and recommendations to office. This civil order was undermined by the rise of military governors known as jiedushi during the 9th century. Chinese culture flourished and further matured during the Tang era, it is considered the greatest age for Chinese poetry. Two of Chinas most famous poets, Li Bai and Du Fu, belonged to this age, as did many famous painters such as Han Gan, Zhang Xuan, there was a rich variety of historical literature compiled by scholars, as well as encyclopedias and geographical works. The adoption of the title Tängri Qaghan by the Tang Emperor Taizong in addition to his title as emperor was eastern Asias first simultaneous kingship, there were many notable innovations during the Tang, including the development of woodblock printing. Buddhism became an influence in Chinese culture, with native Chinese sects gaining prominence. However, Buddhism would later be persecuted by the state, subsequently declining in influence, although the dynasty and central government were in decline by the 9th century, art and culture continued to flourish. This family was known as the Longxi Li lineage, which includes the Tang poet Li Bai, the Tang Emperors also had Xianbei maternal ancestry, from Emperor Gaozu of Tangs Xianbei mother Duchess Dugu. He had prestige and military experience, and was a first cousin of Emperor Yang of Sui, Li Yuan rose in rebellion in 617, along with his son and his equally militant daughter Princess Pingyang, who raised and commanded her own troops. In winter 617, Li Yuan occupied Changan, relegated Emperor Yang to the position of Taishang Huang or retired emperor, and acted as regent to the puppet child-emperor, Emperor Gong of Sui. On the news of Emperor Yangs murder by General Yuwen Huaji on June 18,618, Li Yuan declared himself the emperor of a new dynasty, the Tang
7. Республика Корея – South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea, is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. The earliest Korean pottery dates to 8000 BC, with three kingdoms flourishing in the 1st century BC and its rich and vibrant culture left 19 UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritages of Humanity, the third largest in the world, along with 12 World Heritage Sites. Annexed into Imperial Japan in 1910, Korea was divided after its surrender in 1945, peace has since mostly continued with the two agreeing to work peacefully for reunification and the South solidifying peace as a regional power with the worlds 10th largest defence budget. South Koreas tiger economy soared at an average of 10% for over 30 years in a period of rapid transformation called the Miracle on the Han River. A long legacy of openness and focus on innovation made it successful, today, it is the worlds fifth largest exporter with the G20s largest budget surplus and highest credit rating of any country in East Asia. It has free trade agreements with 75% of the economy and is the only G20 nation trading freely with China, the US. Since 1988, its constitution guarantees a liberal democracy with high government transparency, high personal freedoms led to the rise of a globally influential pop culture such as K-pop and K-drama, a phenomenon called the Korean Wave, known for its distinctive fashionable and trendy style. Home of the UN Green Climate Fund and GGGI, South Korea is a leader in low carbon growth, committed to helping developing countries as a major DAC. It is the third least ignorant country in the Index of Ignorance, ranking eighth highest for peaceful tolerance. It is the worlds largest spender on R&D per GDP, leading the OECD in graduates in science, the name Korea derives from the name Goryeo. The name Goryeo itself was first used by the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo in the 5th century as a form of its name. The 10th-century kingdom of Goryeo succeeded Goguryeo, and thus inherited its name, the modern spelling of Korea first appeared in the late 17th century in the travel writings of the Dutch East India Companys Hendrick Hamel. After Goryeo was replaced by Joseon in 1392, Joseon became the name for the entire territory. The new official name has its origin in the ancient country of Gojoseon, in 1897, the Joseon dynasty changed the official name of the country from Joseon to Daehan Jeguk. The name Daehan, which means great Han literally, derives from Samhan, however, the name Joseon was still widely used by Koreans to refer to their country, though it was no longer the official name. Under Japanese rule, the two names Han and Joseon coexisted, there were several groups who fought for independence, the most notable being the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. Following the surrender of Japan, in 1945, the Republic of Korea was adopted as the name for the new country. Since the government only controlled the part of the Korean Peninsula