Кристи Каньон | |
Christy Canyon | |
Кристи Каньон на «FOXE Awards» в феврале 2006 года | |
Мелисса Кэй Бардизбэнин | |
17 июня 1966(1966-06-17) (46 лет) | |
Пасадина, Калифорния, США | |
США | |
Шатенка | |
Карие | |
1,70 см. | |
59 кг. | |
Бисексуальная | |
Christie Canyon, Cristy Canyon, Missy, Tara White, Sara Wine, Tara Wine, Linda Daniel, DeeDee | |
ID 0001985 | |
ID 18 | |
CCanyon |
Кри́сти Каньо́н (англ. Christy Canyon; родилась 17 июня 1966) — сценическое имя американской радио-персоны и отставной порноактрисы.
Каньон ушла в отставку от выступлений в фильмах для взрослых и танцев на дорогах, после чего сосредоточилась на своём веб-сайте и в настоящее время выступает в качестве радио ведущей.
В 2003 году она опубликовала свою автобиографию «Lights, Camera, Sex».В 1993—1994 года Кристи была замужем за Томом Синополи.
В 1996—1999 годах Кристи была замужем за Джереми Стоуном.
В 2003—2004 годах Кристи была замужем за неким Грантом. В этом браке Каньон родила своего первенца.
Кри́сти Кэ́нион англ Christy Canyon, настоящее имя — Мелисса Кэй Бардизбанян англ Melissa Kay Bardisbanian; родилась 17 июня 1966 — американская шоуменка и радиоведущая, в прошлом — порнографическая актриса родом из Калифорнии Имеет натуральную грудь 5-го размера
Кэнион начала позировать для эротических журналов в возрасте 18 лет в сентябре 1984 года, а в марте 1985 уже снялась в первом порнографическом фильме Как рассказала она сама, режиссёр и порноактёр Грэг Роум приметил её на автобусной остановке в Голливуде, тут же предложив Кристи обратиться по своей рекомендации к Джиму Саусу — известному порнографическому продюсеру и менеджеру многочисленных изданий Свою первую известную роль актриса сыграла в ленте «Swedish Erotica 57» под псевдонимом «Мисси», где вступила в половой акт с тогда уже прославившимся Роном Джереми Благодаря его раскрутке популярность Кристи тут же молниеносно возросла
Кэнион ушла в отставку от выступлений в фильмах для взрослых в 2001—2002 годах, после чего сосредоточилась на своём веб-сайте и в настоящее время выступает в качестве радиоведущей В 2003 году она опубликовала свою автобиографию «Lights, Camera, Sex» Хотя в 2004—2006, а также в 2009-м годах снялась обнаженной в двух кинолентах и нескольких фотосессиях софткор
Кристи Кэнион родилась в семье поваров Её отец — армянин, мать — американка итальянского происхождения В школе Кристи изучала испанский, правда знает его со словарём
В 1993—1994 года Кристи была замужем за Томом Синополи
В 1996—1999 годах Кристи была замужем за Джереми Стоуном
В 2003—2004 годах Кристи была замужем за неким Грантом В последнем браке усыновила двоих мальчиков, своих детей нет
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There are excerpts from wikipedia on this article and video
17 июня 19661966-06-17 50 лет | |
Пасадина, Калифорния, США | |
Шатенка | |
Карие | |
1,70 см | |
59 кг | |
Christie Canyon, Cristy Canyon, Missy, Tara White, Sara Wine, Tara Wine, Linda Daniel, DeeDee | |
ID 0001985 | |
ID 18 | |
CCanyon | |
Кристи Кэнион на Викискладе |
Дополните информацию о персоне
Кристи Кэнион (псевд.) | |
Christy Canyon | |
![]() | |
Другие имена: | Бардизбанян Мелисса Кэй (наст. имя) |
Латиницей: | Melissa Kay Bardisbanian |
На английском: | Christy Canyon |
Дата рождения: | 17 июня 1966 |
Место рождения: | Калифорния, США |
Краткая информация:Американская шоуменка и радиоведущая, порноактриса |
Родилась 17 июня 1966 года. — американская шоуменка и радиоведущая, в прошлом — порнографическая актриса родом из Калифорнии.
Кэнион начала позировать для эротических журналов в возрасте 18 лет в сентябре 1984 года, а в марте 1985 уже снялась в первом порнографическом фильме.
Свою первую известную роль актриса сыграла в ленте «Swedish Erotica 57» (под псевдонимом «Мисси»). Благодаря его раскрутке популярность Кристи тут же молниеносно возросла.
В 2003 году она опубликовала автобиографию «Lights, Camera, Sex».
1. Пасадина (Калифорния) – Pasadena /ˌpæsəˈdiːnə/ is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. As of 2013, the population of Pasadena was 139,731. Pasadena is the ninth-largest city in Los Angeles County, Pasadena was incorporated on June 19,1886, becoming one of the first cities be incorporated in what is now Los Angeles County, the only one being incorporated earlier being its namesake. It is one of the cultural centers of the San Gabriel Valley. The city is known for hosting the annual Rose Bowl football game, the original inhabitants of Pasadena and surrounding areas were members of the Native American Hahamog-na tribe, a branch of the Tongva Nation. They spoke the Tongva language and had lived in the Los Angeles Basin for thousands of years, Tongva dwellings lined the Arroyo Seco in present day Pasadena and south to where it joins the Los Angeles River and along other natural waterways in the city. The native people lived in thatched, dome-shape lodges and they lived on a diet of acorn meal, seeds and herbs, venison, and other small animals. They traded for fish with the coastal Tongva. They made cooking vessels from steatite soapstone from Catalina Island, the trail has been in continuous use for thousands of years. An arm of the trail is still in use in what is now known as Salvia Canyon. When the Spanish occupied the Los Angeles Basin they built the San Gabriel Mission and renamed the local Tongva people Gabrielino Indians, today, several bands of Tongva people live in the Los Angeles area. The Rancho comprised the lands of todays communities of Pasadena, Altadena, before the annexation of California in 1848, the last of the Mexican owners was Manuel Garfias who retained title to the property after statehood in 1850. Garfias sold sections of the property to the first Anglo settlers to come into the area, Dr. Benjamin Eaton, the father of Fred Eaton, much of the property was purchased by Benjamin Wilson, who established his Lake Vineyard property in the vicinity. Wilson, known as Don Benito to the local Indians, also owned the Rancho Jurupa and was mayor of Los Angeles and he was the grandfather of WWII General George S. Patton, Jr. and the namesake of Mount Wilson. Berry was an asthmatic and claimed that he had his best three nights sleep at Rancho San Pascual, to keep the find a secret, Berry code-named the area Muscat after the grape that Wilson grew. To raise funds to bring the company of people to San Pascual, Berry formed the Southern California Orange and Citrus Growers Association and sold stock in it. The newcomers were able to purchase a portion of the property along the Arroyo Seco and on January 31,1874. As a gesture of good will, Wilson added 2,000 acres of then-useless highland property, at the time, the Indiana Colony was a narrow strip of land between the Arroyo Seco and Fair Oaks Avenue
2. Калифорния – California is the most populous state in the United States and the third most extensive by area. Located on the western coast of the U. S, California is bordered by the other U. S. states of Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona and shares an international border with the Mexican state of Baja California. Los Angeles is Californias most populous city, and the second largest after New York City. The Los Angeles Area and the San Francisco Bay Area are the nations second- and fifth-most populous urban regions, California also has the nations most populous county, Los Angeles County, and its largest county by area, San Bernardino County. The Central Valley, an agricultural area, dominates the states center. What is now California was first settled by various Native American tribes before being explored by a number of European expeditions during the 16th and 17th centuries, the Spanish Empire then claimed it as part of Alta California in their New Spain colony. The area became a part of Mexico in 1821 following its war for independence. The western portion of Alta California then was organized as the State of California, the California Gold Rush starting in 1848 led to dramatic social and demographic changes, with large-scale emigration from the east and abroad with an accompanying economic boom. If it were a country, California would be the 6th largest economy in the world, fifty-eight percent of the states economy is centered on finance, government, real estate services, technology, and professional, scientific and technical business services. Although it accounts for only 1.5 percent of the states economy, the story of Calafia is recorded in a 1510 work The Adventures of Esplandián, written as a sequel to Amadis de Gaula by Spanish adventure writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. The kingdom of Queen Calafia, according to Montalvo, was said to be a land inhabited by griffins and other strange beasts. This conventional wisdom that California was an island, with maps drawn to reflect this belief, shortened forms of the states name include CA, Cal. Calif. and US-CA. Settled by successive waves of arrivals during the last 10,000 years, various estimates of the native population range from 100,000 to 300,000. The Indigenous peoples of California included more than 70 distinct groups of Native Americans, ranging from large, settled populations living on the coast to groups in the interior. California groups also were diverse in their organization with bands, tribes, villages. Trade, intermarriage and military alliances fostered many social and economic relationships among the diverse groups, the first European effort to explore the coast as far north as the Russian River was a Spanish sailing expedition, led by Portuguese captain Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, in 1542. Some 37 years later English explorer Francis Drake also explored and claimed a portion of the California coast in 1579. Spanish traders made unintended visits with the Manila galleons on their trips from the Philippines beginning in 1565
3. Соединённые Штаты Америки – Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada to the east, the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U. S. territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean, the geography, climate and wildlife of the country are extremely diverse. At 3.8 million square miles and with over 324 million people, the United States is the worlds third- or fourth-largest country by area, third-largest by land area. It is one of the worlds most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, paleo-Indians migrated from Asia to the North American mainland at least 15,000 years ago. European colonization began in the 16th century, the United States emerged from 13 British colonies along the East Coast. Numerous disputes between Great Britain and the following the Seven Years War led to the American Revolution. On July 4,1776, during the course of the American Revolutionary War, the war ended in 1783 with recognition of the independence of the United States by Great Britain, representing the first successful war of independence against a European power. The current constitution was adopted in 1788, after the Articles of Confederation, the first ten amendments, collectively named the Bill of Rights, were ratified in 1791 and designed to guarantee many fundamental civil liberties. During the second half of the 19th century, the American Civil War led to the end of slavery in the country. By the end of century, the United States extended into the Pacific Ocean. The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the status as a global military power. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 left the United States as the sole superpower. The U. S. is a member of the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization of American States. The United States is a developed country, with the worlds largest economy by nominal GDP. It ranks highly in several measures of performance, including average wage, human development, per capita GDP. While the U. S. economy is considered post-industrial, characterized by the dominance of services and knowledge economy, the United States is a prominent political and cultural force internationally, and a leader in scientific research and technological innovations. In 1507, the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller produced a map on which he named the lands of the Western Hemisphere America after the Italian explorer and cartographer Amerigo Vespucci
4. Internet Movie Database – In 1998 it became a subsidiary of Amazon Inc, who were then able to use it as an advertising resource for selling DVDs and videotapes. As of January 2017, IMDb has approximately 4.1 million titles and 7.7 million personalities in its database, the site enables registered users to submit new material and edits to existing entries. Although all data is checked before going live, the system has open to abuse. The site also featured message boards which stimulate regular debates and dialogue among authenticated users, IMDb shutdown the message boards permanently on February 20,2017. Anyone with a connection can read the movie and talent pages of IMDb. A registration process is however, to contribute info to the site. A registered user chooses a name for themselves, and is given a profile page. These badges range from total contributions made, to independent categories such as photos, trivia, bios, if a registered user or visitor happens to be in the entertainment industry, and has an IMDb page, that user/visitor can add photos to that page by enrolling in IMDbPRO. Actors, crew, and industry executives can post their own resume and this fee enrolls them in a membership called IMDbPro. PRO can be accessed by anyone willing to pay the fee, which is $19.99 USD per month, or if paid annually, $149.99, which comes to approximately $12.50 per month USD. Membership enables a user to access the rank order of each industry personality, as well as agent contact information for any actor, producer, director etc. that has an IMDb page. Enrolling in PRO for industry personnel, enables those members the ability to upload a head shot to open their page, as well as the ability to upload hundreds of photos to accompany their page. Anyone can register as a user, and contribute to the site as well as enjoy its content, however those users enrolled in PRO have greater access and privileges. IMDb originated with a Usenet posting by British film fan and computer programmer Col Needham entitled Those Eyes, others with similar interests soon responded with additions or different lists of their own. Needham subsequently started an Actors List, while Dave Knight began a Directors List, and Andy Krieg took over THE LIST from Hank Driskill, which would later be renamed the Actress List. Both lists had been restricted to people who were alive and working, the goal of the participants now was to make the lists as inclusive as possible. By late 1990, the lists included almost 10,000 movies and television series correlated with actors and actresses appearing therein. On October 17,1990, Needham developed and posted a collection of Unix shell scripts which could be used to search the four lists, at the time, it was known as the rec. arts. movies movie database
5. Джереми, Рон – Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, better known by the stage name Ron Jeremy, is an American pornographic actor and filmmaker. Nicknamed The Hedgehog, Jeremy was ranked by AVN at No.1 in their 50 Top Porn Stars of All Time list, ronald Jeremy Hyatt was born in Queens, New York to a middle-class Jewish family. His father, Arnold, was a physicist and his mother a book editor who served in the O. S. S. during World War II, as she spoke fluent German, Jeremy left the teaching profession to pursue a legitimate acting career on Broadway. Jeremy utilized this opportunity as a springboard into the film industry. Jeremy began using his first and middle name professionally in the adult industry, Rose, listed at that time as R. Hyatt in the phone book, was reportedly pestered at all hours by prospective suitors whod seen Jeremy in Playgirl. She had to move out of her apartment for a month and my father told me, If you want to get into this naked, crazy business, so be it, but if you use the family name again, Ill kill you. He quickly dropped his last name professionally for fear of embarrassing his family, Jeremy had the nickname The Hedgehog bestowed upon him by fellow porn actor Bill Margold in 1979 after a situation on the set of the porn film Olympic Fever. Jeremy flew in from New York to shoot the movie, expecting warm California weather, he wore only a T-shirt and shorts and brought no additional clothing. Upon arriving at the set, Jeremy was immediately whisked away to thaw out in a hot shower, when he finished, his skin had taken on a pinkish hue from the temperature extremes, and all the many hairs on his body were standing on end. Margolds comment upon seeing Jeremy at that moment was You are a hedgehog, by way of comparison, John Holmes, the next highest-ranked male star on the AVN Top 50 porn stars, has only 384 acting credits listed on the IAFD. One joke that made the rounds within the industry at the time was the kinkier acts some actresses would not perform were bestiality, sado-masochism and sex with Jeremy. However, he has since been recognized for his contributions to the industry by being inducted into both the AVN and its Hall of Fame. Additionally, Jeremys work earned him a spot on the Adult Star Path of Fame located in Edison, outside the adult film industry, Jeremy worked as a special consultant for the 1986 film 9½ Weeks. He appears in the 1996 horror film They Bite in a making a film-within-a-film – another horror film. He played the monster Blisterface in ABCs childrens show Bone Chillers and he also appeared in the 1999 film The Boondock Saints, played a bartender in 2002s Spun and acted in 2003s cult film Zombiegeddon. He was an extra in Ghostbusters, played a male strip-club announcer in Detroit Rock City, in addition, he appeared in several productions released by Troma Entertainment, such as Terror Firmer, Citizen Toxie, The Toxic Avenger IV and Poultrygeist. He was the subject of a biographical documentary, Porn Star, The Legend of Ron Jeremy, released in 2001. In that same year he is seen on the Heavy Metal Band Fear Factorys DVD Digital Connectivity
6. Социальная сеть – Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as by e-mail and instant messaging and online forums. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, digital photos and videos, posts, depending on the social media platform, members may be able to contact any other member. In other cases, members can contact anyone they have a connection to, and subsequently anyone that contact has a connection to, LinkedIn, a career social networking service, generally requires that a member personally know another member in real life before they contact them online. Some services require members to have a connection to contact other members. The main types of social networking services are those that contain category places, means to connect with friends, there have been attempts to standardize these services to avoid the need to duplicate entries of friends and interests. A study reveals that India has recorded worlds largest growth in terms of media users in 2013. A2013 survey found that 73% of U. S. adults use social networking sites, the variety and evolving range of stand-alone and built-in social networking services in the online space introduces a challenge of definition. Furthermore, the idea that these services are defined by their ability to bring people together provides too broad a definition, such a broad definition would suggest that the telegraph and telephone were social networking services – not the Internet technologies scholars are intending to describe. The terminology is unclear, with some referring to social networking services as social media. The potential for computer networking to facilitate newly improved forms of computer-mediated social interaction was suggested early on, efforts to support social networks via computer-mediated communication were made in many early online services, including Usenet, ARPANET, LISTSERV, and bulletin board services. Many prototypical features of social networking sites were present in online services such as America Online, Prodigy, CompuServe, ChatNet. Early social networking on the World Wide Web began in the form of generalized online communities such as Theglobe. com, Geocities, some communities – such as Classmates. com – took a different approach by simply having people link to each other via email addresses. In the late 1990s, user profiles became a feature of social networking sites, allowing users to compile lists of friends. New social networking methods were developed by the end of the 1990s and it also became one of the first companies to profit from the sale of virtual goods. Friendster was followed by MySpace and LinkedIn a year later, friendster became very popular in the Pacific Islands. Orkut became the first popular social networking service in Brazil and quickly grew in popularity in India, attesting to the rapid increase in social networking sites popularity, by 2005, it was reported that Myspace was getting more page views than Google. Facebook, launched in 2004, became the largest social networking site in the world in early 2009, Facebook was first introduced as a Harvard social networking site, expanding to other universities and eventually, anyone. The term social media was introduced and soon became widespread, web-based social networking services make it possible to connect people who share interests and activities across political, economic, and geographic borders
7. Нормативный контроль – The word authority in authority control derives from the idea that the names of people, places, things, and concepts are authorized, i. e. they are established in one particular form. The unique header can guide users to all relevant information including related or collocated subjects, accordingly, authority control is an example of controlled vocabulary and of bibliographic control. Subject headings from the Library of Congress fulfill a similar to authority records. As time passes, information changes, prompting needs for reorganization, Authority control helps researchers get a handle on a specific subject with less wasted effort. A well-designed digital catalog/database enables a researcher to query a few words of an entry to bring up the established term or phrase, thus improving accuracy. It can be used in conjunction with keyword searching using and or not or or or other Boolean operators on a web browser and it increases chances that a given search will return relevant items. The process of authority control is not only of great help to researchers searching for a subject to study. Cataloguers can use authority records when trying to categorize new items, since they can see which records have already been catalogued and it enables cataloguers to detect and correct errors. In some instances, software programs support workers tasked with maintaining the catalog to do ongoing tasks such as automated clean-up and it helps creators and users of metadata. It can help catch errors caused by typos or misspellings which can accumulate over time. For example, machines can catch such as Elementary school techers. Sometimes within a catalog there are different names or spellings for only one person or subject and this can bring confusion since researchers may miss some information. Authority control is used by cataloguers to collocate materials that belong together. Records are used to establish uniform titles which collocate all versions of a work under one unique heading even when such versions are issued under different titles. In an online catalog, various entries might look like the following. Diana, Princess of Wales, 1961-1997 Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-1997 Diana, Princess of Wales, 1961-1997 DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES, Diana, Princess of Wales, - Iconography. These different terms describe the same person, one international effort to prevent such confusion is the Virtual International Authority File which is a collaborative attempt to provide a single heading for a particular subject. The idea is to create a single virtual authority file
8. VIAF – The Virtual International Authority File is an international authority file. It is a joint project of national libraries and operated by the Online Computer Library Center. The project was initiated by the US Library of Congress, the German National Library, the National Library of France joined the project on October 5,2007. The project transitions to a service of the OCLC on April 4,2012, the aim is to link the national authority files to a single virtual authority file. In this file, identical records from the different data sets are linked together, a VIAF record receives a standard data number, contains the primary see and see also records from the original records, and refers to the original authority records. The data are available online and are available for research and data exchange. Reciprocal updating uses the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting protocol, the file numbers are also being added to Wikipedia biographical articles and are incorporated into Wikidata. VIAFs clustering algorithm is run every month, as more data are added from participating libraries, clusters of authority records may coalesce or split, leading to some fluctuation in the VIAF identifier of certain authority records
9. XRCO Award – Once every calendar year, XRCO members are asked to submit their own nominations. Members do not have to vote in every category. The award ceremony takes place during the spring and no later than the first week of April. Some of the works and workers are inducted into the XRCO Hall of Fame during the awards, the XRCO online archive is missing many results prior to 1993 and the site encourages visitors to send in older results. The awards have been called an X-rated version of the Academy Awards and they have also been referred to as the critics circle awards for porn. In 2013, the XRCO Awards venue was changed from The Highlands nightclub to Supperclub LA when the former closed, in 2014, the XRCO Awards returned to the former Highlands venue now called OHM. The 2015 XRCO Awards were held at Lure nightclub in Hollywood on April 11, the 2016 XRCO Awards were held at OHM nightclub in Hollywood on June 22. Jim Holliday was a founder and previously the honorary historian of the X-Rated Critics Organization, after Hollidays death, the position of XRCO Historian was temporarily filled by XRCO founding member Bill Margold until 2006. The first XRCO Awards were presented on February 14,1985, until 1991, the awards were presented on Valentines Day each year. The specific award categories at the XRCO Awards have changed over the years, in March 2015, changes to the award program were announced. Citing the venue and date changes made in 2014, the event organizers announced that the show would be recorded. Also announced was the debut of a new design for the award handed out to winners, the iconic wooden heart on trophies would be retired and be replaced with something bigger and better than ever. 2016, The Father Figure 2012, This Aint Ghostbusters XXX2012, Spider-Man XXX, A Porn Parody 2016, no Best Girl-Girl Scene awards have been given out since. T.2002, Fossil Fuckers 2003, Youre Never Too Old to Gangbang
Кристи Каньон | |
Christy Canyon | |
Кристи Каньон на «FOXE Awards» в феврале 2006 года | |
Мелисса Кэй Бардизбэнин | |
17 июня 1966(1966-06-17) (46 лет) | |
Пасадина, Калифорния, США | |
США | |
Шатенка | |
Карие | |
1,70 см. | |
59 кг. | |
Бисексуальная | |
Christie Canyon, Cristy Canyon, Missy, Tara White, Sara Wine, Tara Wine, Linda Daniel, DeeDee | |
ID 0001985 | |
ID 18 | |
CCanyon |
Кри́сти Каньо́н (англ. Christy Canyon; родилась 17 июня 1966) — сценическое имя американской радио-персоны и отставной порноактрисы.
Каньон ушла в отставку от выступлений в фильмах для взрослых и танцев на дорогах, после чего сосредоточилась на своём веб-сайте и в настоящее время выступает в качестве радио ведущей.
В 2003 году она опубликовала свою автобиографию «Lights, Camera, Sex».В 1993—1994 года Кристи была замужем за Томом Синополи.
В 1996—1999 годах Кристи была замужем за Джереми Стоуном.
В 2003—2004 годах Кристи была замужем за неким Грантом. В этом браке Каньон родила своего первенца.