Теннис в Красногорске
Теннисная жизнь в Красногорском районе Московской области

Кудла, Денис (теннис). Кудла теннис

Кудла, Денис (теннис) Вики

В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с фамилией Кудла.

Денис Кудла (англ. Denis Kudla; род. 17 августа 1992 года Киев, Украина) — американский профессиональный теннисист.

Общая информация[ | код]

Денис младший из двух сыновей Владимира (архитектор) и Люси (домохозяйка) Кудла, его брата зовут Никита. Родился в столице Украины — Киеве и в возрасте одного года с семьей переехал в США в город Фэрфакс.

Кудла начал заниматься теннисом в 7 лет. Денис считает своим любимым покрытием хард.

Спортивная карьера[ | код]

Кудла впервые появился на соревнованиях основного тура ATP в августе 2008 года меньше чем за неделю до своего 16-ти летия. Он сыграл в первом раунде парного розыгрыше турнира Вашингтоне. В мае 2010 года Денис выиграл первые в карьере турниры из серии «фьючерс» в парном разряде. В июле того же года он дебютировал в одиночных соревнованиях АТП, сыграв на турнире в Ньюпорте, где прошёл во второй раунд. В августе находясь по возрасту ещё в юниорах Кудла смог выйти в финал юношеского розыгрыша Открытого чемпионата США, где проиграл соотечественнику Джеку Соку. Первый титул на «фьючерсах» в одиночном разряде он завоевывает в октябре 2010 года.

В июле 2011 года Кудла смог выйти в четвертьфинал турнира в Ньюпорте, обыграв довольно известных теннисистов: Иво Карловича и Григора Димитрова. В начале октября того же года он выиграл второй в карьере одиночный «фьючерс». В январе 2012 года, пройдя квалификационный отбор Открытого чемпионата Австралии, Денис дебютировал в основных одиночных соревнованиях из серии Большого шлема. В первом раунде того турнира он проиграл в четырёх сетах немцу Томми Хаасу. В июле 2012 года Кудла победил на первом в карьере турнире серии «челленджер», проводившимся в Лексингтоне. В августе он принял участие в Открытом чемпионате США, где в первом раунде проиграл испанцу Марселю Гранольерсу. В ноябре Кудла выиграл ещё один «челленджер», проходивший в Шарлотсвилле.

В мае 2013 года Кудла выиграл грунтовый в «челленджер» Таллахасси. Он смог квалифицироваться на Открытый чемпионат Франции, где в первом раунде уступил Яну Гайеку. В июне он удачно для себя выступил на турнире в Лондоне, сумев пройти в четвертьфинал. Пройдя затем через квалификацию на Уимблдонский турнир, Кудла по итогу прошёл на нём в стадию второго раунда. После Уимблдона он впервые вошёл в Топ-100 мирового рейтинга. На Открытом чемпионате США Кудла также вышел во второй раунд.

На Открытый чемпионат Австралии 2014 года Кудле пришлось пробиваться через квалификацию, с чем он смог сся, но уже в первом раунде проиграл Флориану Майеру. Следующий раз в основные соревнования Большого шлема он пробивается на Уимблдоне, где во втором раунде проигрывает Кэю Нисикори. В начале июля Кудла сделал победный дубль на «челленджере» в Уиннетке, выиграв одиночные и парные соревнования. На Открытом чемпионате 2015 года американский теннисист в первом раунде проиграл № 14 в мире на тот момент Фелисиано Лопесу в тяжелом пятисетовом поединке (6-3, 2-6, 6-4, 2-6, 8-10). В июне он смог выиграть «челленджер» в Илкли. После этого Кудла неплохо выступил на Уимблдонском турнире. Начав его в статусе 105-й ракетки мира, он смог обыграть трёх теннисистов из Топ-100: Пабло Куэваса, Александра Зверева,Сантьяго Хиральдо и впервые вышел в четвёртый раунд Большого шлема. Путь в четвертьфинал Денису закрыл № 9 в мире Марин Чилич. Через некоторое время после Уимблдона на турнире в Атланте Кудла смог впервые выйти в полуфинал турнира АТП. На Открытом чемпионате США он проиграл на старте. По итогам сезона 2015 года Кудла занял 69-е место в одиночном рейтинге.

На Австралийском чемпионате 2016 года Денис выбыл во втором раунде. К майскому Ролан Гарросу, где он проиграл в первом раунде, Кудла смог подняться в рейтинге до 53-го места. Уимблдон также завершился для представителя США в первом раунде. Летом он покинул Топ-100 мирового рейтинга. В августе он принял участие на Олимпийских играх, который проводились в Рио-де-Жанейро. В первом раунде Олимпийского турнира Кудла проиграл словаку Андрею Мартину. Также на старте он выбывает и из розыгрыша Открытого чемпионата США.

Рейтинг на конец года[ | код]

Год Одиночныйрейтинг Парныйрейтинг
2016 131 225
2015 69 803
2014 121 308
2013 114 272
2012 137 343
2010 496 543
2009 1 051 1 022
2008 1 208

Выступления на турнирах[ | код]

Выступления в одиночном разряде

Финалы челленджеров и фьючерсов в одиночном разряде (12)[ | код]

Победы (7)[ | код]
Условные обозначения
Челленджеры (5+3)
Фьючерсы (2+2)
Титулы попокрытиям Титулы по меступроведенияматчей турнира
Хард (5+31) Зал (1)
Грунт (1+2)
Трава (1) Открытый воздух (6+5)
Ковёр (0)
Поражения (5)[ | код]

Выступления в парном разряде

Финалы челленджеров и фьючерсов в парном разряде (10)[ | код]

Победы (5)[ | код]
Поражения (5)[ | код]

Примечания[ | код]

  1. ↑ 1 2 3 сайт ATP
  2. ↑ Начал турнир с квалификации.

Ссылки[ | код]


Кудла, Денис (теннисист) - WikiVisually

1. Киев – Kiev or Kyiv is the capital and largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. The population in July 2015 was 2,887,974, Kiev is an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. It is home to many industries, higher education institutions. The city has an infrastructure and highly developed system of public transport. The citys name is said to derive from the name of Kyi, during its history, Kiev, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, passed through several stages of great prominence and relative obscurity. The city probably existed as a centre as early as the 5th century. A Slavic settlement on the trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople, Kiev was a tributary of the Khazars, until seized by the Varangians in the mid-9th century. Under Varangian rule, the city became a capital of the Kievan Rus, completely destroyed during the Mongol invasion in 1240, the city lost most of its influence for the centuries to come. It was a capital of marginal importance in the outskirts of the territories controlled by its powerful neighbours, first the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, followed by Poland. The city prospered again during the Russian Empires Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century, in 1917, after the Ukrainian National Republic declared independence from the Russian Empire, Kiev became its capital. From 1919 Kiev was an important center of the Armed Forces of South Russia and was controlled by the White Army. From 1921 onwards Kiev was a city of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which was proclaimed by the Red Army, during World War II, the city again suffered significant damage, but quickly recovered in the post-war years, remaining the third largest city of the Soviet Union. During the countrys transformation to an economy and electoral democracy. Kievs armament-dependent industrial output fell after the Soviet collapse, adversely affecting science, Kiev emerged as the most pro-Western region of Ukraine where parties advocating tighter integration with the European Union dominate during elections. As a prominent city with a history, its English name was subject to gradual evolution. The early English spelling was derived from Old East Slavic form Kyjev, the name is associated with that of Kyi, the legendary eponymous founder of the city. Early English sources use various names, including Kiou, Kiow, Kiew, on one of the oldest English maps of the region, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae published by Ortelius the name of the city is spelled Kiou. On the 1650 map by Guillaume de Beauplan, the name of the city is Kiiow, in the book Travels, by Joseph Marshall, the city is referred to as Kiovia

2. Украина – Ukraine is currently in territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula which Russia annexed in 2014 but which Ukraine and most of the international community recognise as Ukrainian. Including Crimea, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2, making it the largest country entirely within Europe and it has a population of about 42.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC, during the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following its fragmentation in the 13th century, the territory was contested, ruled and divided by a variety of powers, including Lithuania, Poland, the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. A Cossack republic emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, two brief periods of independence occurred during the 20th century, once near the end of World War I and another during World War II. Before its independence, Ukraine was typically referred to in English as The Ukraine, following independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state. Nonetheless it formed a limited partnership with the Russian Federation and other CIS countries. In the 2000s, the government began leaning towards NATO, and it was later agreed that the question of joining NATO should be answered by a national referendum at some point in the future. Former President Viktor Yanukovych considered the current level of co-operation between Ukraine and NATO sufficient, and was against Ukraine joining NATO and these events formed the background for the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, and the War in Donbass in April 2014. On 1 January 2016, Ukraine applied the economic part of the Deep, Ukraine has long been a global breadbasket because of its extensive, fertile farmlands and is one of the worlds largest grain exporters. The diversified economy of Ukraine includes a heavy industry sector, particularly in aerospace. Ukraine is a republic under a semi-presidential system with separate powers, legislative, executive. Its capital and largest city is Kiev, taking into account reserves and paramilitary personnel, Ukraine maintains the second-largest military in Europe after that of Russia. Ukrainian is the language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religion in the country is Eastern Orthodoxy, which has strongly influenced Ukrainian architecture, literature, there are different hypotheses as to the etymology of the name Ukraine. According to the older and most widespread hypothesis, it means borderland, while more recently some studies claim a different meaning, homeland or region. The Ukraine now implies disregard for the sovereignty, according to U. S. ambassador William Taylor. Neanderthal settlement in Ukraine is seen in the Molodova archaeological sites include a mammoth bone dwelling

3. Соединённые Штаты Америки – Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada to the east, the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U. S. territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean, the geography, climate and wildlife of the country are extremely diverse. At 3.8 million square miles and with over 324 million people, the United States is the worlds third- or fourth-largest country by area, third-largest by land area. It is one of the worlds most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, paleo-Indians migrated from Asia to the North American mainland at least 15,000 years ago. European colonization began in the 16th century, the United States emerged from 13 British colonies along the East Coast. Numerous disputes between Great Britain and the following the Seven Years War led to the American Revolution. On July 4,1776, during the course of the American Revolutionary War, the war ended in 1783 with recognition of the independence of the United States by Great Britain, representing the first successful war of independence against a European power. The current constitution was adopted in 1788, after the Articles of Confederation, the first ten amendments, collectively named the Bill of Rights, were ratified in 1791 and designed to guarantee many fundamental civil liberties. During the second half of the 19th century, the American Civil War led to the end of slavery in the country. By the end of century, the United States extended into the Pacific Ocean. The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the status as a global military power. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 left the United States as the sole superpower. The U. S. is a member of the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization of American States. The United States is a developed country, with the worlds largest economy by nominal GDP. It ranks highly in several measures of performance, including average wage, human development, per capita GDP. While the U. S. economy is considered post-industrial, characterized by the dominance of services and knowledge economy, the United States is a prominent political and cultural force internationally, and a leader in scientific research and technological innovations. In 1507, the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller produced a map on which he named the lands of the Western Hemisphere America after the Italian explorer and cartographer Amerigo Vespucci

4. Арлингтон (округ, Виргиния) – Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is coterminous with the U. S. Census Bureau-census-designated place of Arlington, as a result, the county is often referred to in the region simply as Arlington or Arlington, Virginia. In 2015, the population was estimated at 229,164. The land that became Arlington was originally donated by Virginia to the United States government to form part of the new federal district of Columbia. In 1846, Congress returned the land southwest of the Potomac River donated by Virginia due to issues involving Congressional representation, the General Assembly of Virginia changed the countys name to Arlington in 1920 to avoid confusion with the adjacent City of Alexandria. The county is situated in Northern Virginia on the bank of the Potomac River directly across from Washington. Arlington is also bordered by Fairfax County and City of Falls Church to the northwest, west and southwest, as of the 2010 census, the population was 207,627. Due to the proximity to downtown Washington, D. C. It is also home to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, the many federal agencies, government contractors, and service industries contribute to Arlingtons stable economy. It is the county in the United States by median family income. According to a 2016 study by Bankrate. com, Arlington is the best place to retire, the area that now constitutes Arlington County was originally part of Fairfax County in the Colony of Virginia. Land grants from the British monarch were awarded to prominent Englishmen in exchange for political favors, one of the grantees was Thomas Fairfax, 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron, who lends his name to both Fairfax County and the City of Fairfax. George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of First Lady Martha Washington, the estate was eventually passed down to Mary Anna Custis Lee, wife of General Robert E. Lee. The property later became Arlington National Cemetery during the American Civil War, the area that now contains Arlington County was ceded to the new United States federal government by the Commonwealth of Virginia. With the passage of the Residence Act in 1790, Congress approved a new permanent capital to be located on the Potomac River, the Residence Act originally only allowed the President to select a location within Maryland as far east as what is now the Anacostia River. However, President Washington shifted the federal territorys borders to the southeast in order to include the city of Alexandria at the Districts southern tip. In 1791, Congress amended the Residence Act to approve the new site, however, this amendment to the Residence Act specifically prohibited the erection of the public buildings otherwise than on the Maryland side of the River Potomac. As permitted by the U. S. Constitution, the shape of the federal district was a square, measuring 10 miles on each side

5. Доллар США – The United States dollar is the official currency of the United States and its insular territories per the United States Constitution. It is divided into 100 smaller cent units, the circulating paper money consists of Federal Reserve Notes that are denominated in United States dollars. The U. S. dollar was originally commodity money of silver as enacted by the Coinage Act of 1792 which determined the dollar to be 371 4/16 grain pure or 416 grain standard silver, the currency most used in international transactions, it is the worlds primary reserve currency. Several countries use it as their currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency. Besides the United States, it is used as the sole currency in two British Overseas Territories in the Caribbean, the British Virgin Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands. A few countries use the Federal Reserve Notes for paper money, while the country mints its own coins, or also accepts U. S. coins that can be used as payment in U. S. dollars. After Nixon shock of 1971, USD became fiat currency, Article I, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution provides that the Congress has the power To coin money, laws implementing this power are currently codified at 31 U. S. C. Section 5112 prescribes the forms in which the United States dollars should be issued and these coins are both designated in Section 5112 as legal tender in payment of debts. The Sacagawea dollar is one example of the copper alloy dollar, the pure silver dollar is known as the American Silver Eagle. Section 5112 also provides for the minting and issuance of other coins and these other coins are more fully described in Coins of the United States dollar. The Constitution provides that a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and that provision of the Constitution is made specific by Section 331 of Title 31 of the United States Code. The sums of money reported in the Statements are currently being expressed in U. S. dollars, the U. S. dollar may therefore be described as the unit of account of the United States. The word dollar is one of the words in the first paragraph of Section 9 of Article I of the Constitution, there, dollars is a reference to the Spanish milled dollar, a coin that had a monetary value of 8 Spanish units of currency, or reales. In 1792 the U. S. Congress passed a Coinage Act, Section 20 of the act provided, That the money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars, or units. And that all accounts in the offices and all proceedings in the courts of the United States shall be kept and had in conformity to this regulation. In other words, this act designated the United States dollar as the unit of currency of the United States, unlike the Spanish milled dollar the U. S. dollar is based upon a decimal system of values. Both one-dollar coins and notes are produced today, although the form is significantly more common

6. Турниры Большого шлема (теннис) – The Grand Slam tournaments, also called majors, are the four most important annual tennis events. They offer the most ranking points, prize money, public and media attention, the greatest strength and size of field, and greater number of best of sets for men. The Grand Slam itinerary consists of the Australian Open in mid January, the French Open in May and June, Wimbledon in June and July, each tournament is played over a period of two weeks. The Australian and United States tournaments are played on courts, the French on clay. Wimbledon is the oldest, founded in 1877, followed by the US in 1881, the French in 1891, however, of these four, only Wimbledon was a major before 1924/25, the time when all four became designated Grand Slam tournaments. In doubles, one team may accomplish a Grand Slam playing together or one player may achieve it with different partners, the term Grand Slam without qualification refers to winning the four majors in a single calendar year. Winning the gold medal at the Summer Olympic Games in addition to the four majors in a one year is known as a Golden Grand Slam or more commonly the Golden Slam. Also, winning the Year-End Championship in the period is known as a Super Slam. Together, all four Majors in all three disciplines are called a set of Grand Slam titles. No male or female player has won all events in one calendar year. The term slam for winning all of the tricks in the whist family card games is attested early in the 17th century. Grand slam for all of the tricks, in contrast to small slam or little slam for all but one and this use was inherited by contract bridge, a modern development of whist defined in 1925 that became very popular in Britain and America by 1930. Grand slam has been used in golf since 1930, when Bobby Jones won the four major championships, before that time only three events, Wimbledon, the World Hard Court Championships and the World Covered Court Championships were considered the premier international tennis events by the ILTF. Tony Wilding of New Zealand won all three of those majors in one year –1913. It has been possible to complete a Grand Slam in most years, phil Dent has pointed out that skipping Grand Slam tournaments—especially the Australian Open—was not unusual then, before counting Grand Slam titles became the norm. Nevertheless, except for the 1969 and 1971 tournaments, many of the best players missed this championship until 1982, because of the remoteness, the inconvenient dates, the tournament was won by Arthur Ashe. The first definitive Grand Slam, of the current four majors, was accomplished when Don Budge won all four mens singles Majors in 1938, to date,17 players have completed a Grand Slam, though only six in the most prestigious singles titles. The four Junior disciplines, boys and girls singles and doubles, Players are only eligible from age 13 to 18, with 18-year-olds likely to hold a physical advantage

7. Открытый чемпионат Австралии по теннису – The Australian Open is a major tennis tournament held annually over the last fortnight of January in Melbourne, Australia. First held in 1905, the tournament is chronologically the first of the four Grand Slam tennis events of the year – the other three being the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open. It features mens and womens singles, mens, womens and mixed doubles and juniors championships, as well as wheelchair, legends, the Australian Open typically has high attendances, rivalling and occasionally exceeding the US Open. The tournament holds the record for the highest attendance at a Grand Slam event, the Australian Open is managed by Tennis Australia, formerly the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia, and was first played at the Warehousemans Cricket Ground in Melbourne in November 1905. This facility is now known as the Albert Reserve Tennis Centre, the tournament was first known as the Australasian Championships and then became the Australian Championships in 1927 and the Australian Open in 1969. Since 1905, the Australian Open has been staged in five Australian and two New Zealand cities, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Christchurch and Hastings. Though started in 1905, the tournament was not designated as being a championship until 1924. The tournament committee changed the structure of the tournament to include seeding at that time, in 1972, it was decided to stage the tournament in Melbourne each year because it attracted the biggest patronage of any Australian city. The tournament was played at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club from 1972 until the move to the new Melbourne Park complex in 1988, the new facilities at Melbourne Park were envisaged to meet the demands of a tournament that had outgrown Kooyongs capacity. The move to Melbourne Park was an success, with a 90 percent increase in attendance in 1988 on the previous year at Kooyong. Because of Australias geographic remoteness, very few foreign players entered this tournament in the early 20th century, in the 1920s, the trip by ship from Europe to Australia took about 45 days. The first tennis players who came by boats were the US Davis Cup players in November 1946, even inside the country, many players could not travel easily. When the tournament was held in Perth, no one from Victoria or New South Wales crossed by train, in Christchurch in 1906, of a small field of 10 players, only two Australians attended and the tournament was won by a New Zealander. The first tournaments of the Australasian Championships suffered from the competition of the other Australasian tournaments, before 1905, all Australian states and New Zealand had their own championships, the first organised in 1880 in Melbourne and called the Championship of the Colony of Victoria. In those years, the best two players – Australian Norman Brookes and New Zealander Anthony Wilding – almost did not play this tournament, Brookes came once and won in 1911, and Wilding entered and won the competition twice. Their meetings in the Victorian Championships helped to determine the best Australasian players, even when the Australasian Championships were held in Hastings, New Zealand, in 1912, Wilding, though three times Wimbledon champion, did not come back to his home country. It was a problem for all players of the era. Brookes went to Europe only three times, where he reached the Wimbledon Challenge Round once and then won Wimbledon twice

8. Открытый чемпионат Франции по теннису – The French Open, often referred to as Roland Garros, is a major tennis tournament held over two weeks between late May and early June at the Stade Roland Garros in Paris, France. Roland Garros is the only Grand Slam event held on clay, French spelling rules dictate that in the name of a place or event named after a person, the elements of the name are joined together with a hyphen. Therefore, the names of the stadium and the tournament are hyphenated as Roland-Garros, in 1891 the Championnat de France, which is commonly referred to in English as the French Championships, was begun. It was only open to players who were members of French clubs. The first winner was a Briton—H, the first womens singles tournament, with four entries, was held in 1897. The mixed doubles event was added in 1902 and the doubles in 1907. This French club members only tournament was played until 1924, using four different venues during that period, Île de Puteaux, in Puteaux, the Racing Club de France, played on clay. For one year,1909, it was played at the Société Athlétique de la Villa Primrose in Bordeaux, Tennis Club de Paris, at Auteuil, Paris, played on clay. Another tournament, the World Hard Court Championships, is considered the precursor to the French Open as it was open to international competitors. Winners of this tournament included world no, 1s such as Tony Wilding from New Zealand and Bill Tilden from the US. In 1924 there was no World Hard Court Championships due to tennis being played at the Paris Olympic Games, in 1925, the French Championships became open to all amateurs internationally and was designated a major championship by the ILTF. It was held at the Stade Français in Saint-Cloud in 1925 and 1927, in 1926 the Racing Club de France hosted the event in Paris, site of the previous French club members only Championship, also on clay. In 1928, the Roland Garros stadium was opened and the event has held there ever since. After the Mousquetaires or Philadelphia Four won the Davis Cup on American soil in 1927, the Stade de France had offered the tennis authorities three hectares of land with the condition that the new stadium must be named after the World War I pilot, Roland Garros. The new Stade de Roland Garros, and its Center Court hosted that Davis Cup challenge, during World War II the tournament was held from 1941 through 1945 on the same grounds but these editions are not recognized by the French governing body, Fédération Française de Tennis. From 1946 through 1947, the French Championships were held after Wimbledon, in 1968, the French Championships became the first Grand Slam tournament to go open, allowing both amateurs and professionals to compete. Since 1981, new prizes have been presented, the Prix Orange, the Prix Citron, in another novelty, since 2006 the tournament has begun on a Sunday, featuring 12 singles matches played on the three main courts. Additionally, on the eve of the opening, the traditional Benny Berthet exhibition day takes place

9. Уимблдонский турнир – The Championships, Wimbledon, commonly known simply as Wimbledon, is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and is widely considered the most prestigious. It has been held at the All England Club in Wimbledon, London, Wimbledon is one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments, the others being the Australian Open, the French Open and the US Open. Since the Australian Open shifted to hardcourt in 1988, Wimbledon is the only major still played on grass. The tournament takes place two weeks in late June and early July, culminating with the Ladies and Gentlemens Singles Final. Five major, junior, and invitational events are each year. Wimbledon traditions include a dress code for competitors and Royal patronage. The tournament is notable for the absence of sponsor advertising around the courts. In 2009, Wimbledons Centre Court was fitted with a roof to lessen the loss of playing time due to rain. The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club is a club founded on 23 July 1868. Its first ground was off Worple Road, Wimbledon, in 1876, lawn tennis, a game devised by Major Walter Clopton Wingfield a year or so earlier and originally given the name Sphairistikè, was added to the activities of the club. In spring 1877, the club was renamed The All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club, a new code of laws, replacing the code administered by the Marylebone Cricket Club, was drawn up for the event. Todays rules are similar except for such as the height of the net and posts. The inaugural 1877 Wimbledon Championship started on 9 July 1877 and the Gentlemens Singles was the event held. It was won by Spencer Gore, an old Harrovian rackets player, about 200 spectators paid one shilling each to watch the final. The lawns at the ground were arranged so that the court was in the middle with the others arranged around it. The name was retained when the Club moved in 1922 to the present site in Church Road, however, in 1980 four new courts were brought into commission on the north side of the ground, which meant the Centre Court was once more correctly defined. The opening of the new No.1 Court in 1997 emphasised the description, by 1882, activity at the club was almost exclusively confined to lawn tennis and that year the word croquet was dropped from the title. However, for reasons it was restored in 1899


Денис Кудла (теннис) Вики

В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с фамилией Кудла.

Денис Кудла (англ. Denis Kudla; род. 17 августа 1992 года Киев, Украина) — американский профессиональный теннисист.

Общая информация[ | код]

Денис младший из двух сыновей Владимира (архитектор) и Люси (домохозяйка) Кудла, его брата зовут Никита. Родился в столице Украины — Киеве и в возрасте одного года с семьей переехал в США в город Фэрфакс.

Кудла начал заниматься теннисом в 7 лет. Денис считает своим любимым покрытием хард.

Спортивная карьера[ | код]

Кудла впервые появился на соревнованиях основного тура ATP в августе 2008 года меньше чем за неделю до своего 16-ти летия. Он сыграл в первом раунде парного розыгрыше турнира Вашингтоне. В мае 2010 года Денис выиграл первые в карьере турниры из серии «фьючерс» в парном разряде. В июле того же года он дебютировал в одиночных соревнованиях АТП, сыграв на турнире в Ньюпорте, где прошёл во второй раунд. В августе находясь по возрасту ещё в юниорах Кудла смог выйти в финал юношеского розыгрыша Открытого чемпионата США, где проиграл соотечественнику Джеку Соку. Первый титул на «фьючерсах» в одиночном разряде он завоевывает в октябре 2010 года.

В июле 2011 года Кудла смог выйти в четвертьфинал турнира в Ньюпорте, обыграв довольно известных теннисистов: Иво Карловича и Григора Димитрова. В начале октября того же года он выиграл второй в карьере одиночный «фьючерс». В январе 2012 года, пройдя квалификационный отбор Открытого чемпионата Австралии, Денис дебютировал в основных одиночных соревнованиях из серии Большого шлема. В первом раунде того турнира он проиграл в четырёх сетах немцу Томми Хаасу. В июле 2012 года Кудла победил на первом в карьере турнире серии «челленджер», проводившимся в Лексингтоне. В августе он принял участие в Открытом чемпионате США, где в первом раунде проиграл испанцу Марселю Гранольерсу. В ноябре Кудла выиграл ещё один «челленджер», проходивший в Шарлотсвилле.

В мае 2013 года Кудла выиграл грунтовый в «челленджер» Таллахасси. Он смог квалифицироваться на Открытый чемпионат Франции, где в первом раунде уступил Яну Гайеку. В июне он удачно для себя выступил на турнире в Лондоне, сумев пройти в четвертьфинал. Пройдя затем через квалификацию на Уимблдонский турнир, Кудла по итогу прошёл на нём в стадию второго раунда. После Уимблдона он впервые вошёл в Топ-100 мирового рейтинга. На Открытом чемпионате США Кудла также вышел во второй раунд.

На Открытый чемпионат Австралии 2014 года Кудле пришлось пробиваться через квалификацию, с чем он смог сся, но уже в первом раунде проиграл Флориану Майеру. Следующий раз в основные соревнования Большого шлема он пробивается на Уимблдоне, где во втором раунде проигрывает Кэю Нисикори. В начале июля Кудла сделал победный дубль на «челленджере» в Уиннетке, выиграв одиночные и парные соревнования. На Открытом чемпионате 2015 года американский теннисист в первом раунде проиграл № 14 в мире на тот момент Фелисиано Лопесу в тяжелом пятисетовом поединке (6-3, 2-6, 6-4, 2-6, 8-10). В июне он смог выиграть «челленджер» в Илкли. После этого Кудла неплохо выступил на Уимблдонском турнире. Начав его в статусе 105-й ракетки мира, он смог обыграть трёх теннисистов из Топ-100: Пабло Куэваса, Александра Зверева,Сантьяго Хиральдо и впервые вышел в четвёртый раунд Большого шлема. Путь в четвертьфинал Денису закрыл № 9 в мире Марин Чилич. Через некоторое время после Уимблдона на турнире в Атланте Кудла смог впервые выйти в полуфинал турнира АТП. На Открытом чемпионате США он проиграл на старте. По итогам сезона 2015 года Кудла занял 69-е место в одиночном рейтинге.

На Австралийском чемпионате 2016 года Денис выбыл во втором раунде. К майскому Ролан Гарросу, где он проиграл в первом раунде, Кудла смог подняться в рейтинге до 53-го места. Уимблдон также завершился для представителя США в первом раунде. Летом он покинул Топ-100 мирового рейтинга. В августе он принял участие на Олимпийских играх, который проводились в Рио-де-Жанейро. В первом раунде Олимпийского турнира Кудла проиграл словаку Андрею Мартину. Также на старте он выбывает и из розыгрыша Открытого чемпионата США.

Рейтинг на конец года[ | код]

Год Одиночныйрейтинг Парныйрейтинг
2016 131 225
2015 69 803
2014 121 308
2013 114 272
2012 137 343
2011 276 472
2010 496 543
2009 1 051 1 022
2008 1 208

Выступления на турнирах[ | код]

Выступления в одиночном разряде

Финалы челленджеров и фьючерсов в одиночном разряде (12)[ | код]

Победы (7)[ | код]
Условные обозначения
Челленджеры (5+3)
Фьючерсы (2+2)
Титулы попокрытиям Титулы по меступроведенияматчей турнира
Хард (5+31) Зал (1)
Грунт (1+2)
Трава (1) Открытый воздух (6+5)
Ковёр (0)
Поражения (5)[ | код]

Выступления в парном разряде

Финалы челленджеров и фьючерсов в парном разряде (10)[ | код]

Победы (5)[ | код]
Поражения (5)[ | код]

Примечания[ | код]

  1. ↑ 1 2 3 сайт ATP
  2. ↑ Начал турнир с квалификации.

Ссылки[ | код]

