Как и подобает этой сумасшедшей Олимпиаде исход женского финала стал абсолютно невероятным. Моника Пуиг одолела Анжелику Кербер и стала первой в истории Пуэрто-Рико, кто завоевал олимпийскую медаль не в боксе.
Финал выдался наисложнейшим, интрига сохранялась до середины третьего сета. В итоге третий сет Моника выиграла почти в сухую. В итоге счет получился 6:4;4:6;6:1.
Вот так 51-я ракетка мира завоевала золотую медаль в Рио. Пуиг не смогла сдержать слез радости на церемонии награждения спортсменов.
"Серебро" досталось Анжелике Кербер, а бронзовая медаль ушла к Петре Квитовой, которая "вырвала" победу в поединке за третье место у Мэдисон Кис.
Определились чемпионы в мужском парном разряде. Золотыми призерами Олимпиады в Рио стали Марк Лопес и Рафаэль Надаль, последний, кстати, одержал 800-ю победу в карьере. "Золото" испанцам принесла победа в двух сетах из трех над соперниками из Румынии, парой Флорин Мергя и Хоря Тецэу.
"Бронза" досталась достаточно молодой паре из США Стиву Джонсону и Джеку Соку.
Сегодня нас ждет женский парный финал, финал в миксте и финал в мужском одиночном разряде.
У мужчин за золотую медаль будут бороться Энди Маррей и Хуан Мартин дель Потро. Да-да, тот самый, которые вывел из игры Новака Джоковича еще в первом круге. "Бронзу" разыграют Рафаэль Надаль и Кей Нисикори.
Надо отметить, что полуфинальный матч Маррея и Нисикори был очень зрелищным. Особенно сумасшедший предпоследний розыгрыш из которого Маррей вышел победителем и подавал уже на матч.
Всем отличного тенниса!:)
Теннис был включен в программу уже самых первых Игр современности – в Афинах в 1896. Первым олимпийским чемпионом по теннису стал представитель Великобритании Джон Боланд, он же – на пару с немцем Фредрихом Трауном – выиграл «золото» в парном разряде. (Любопытно, что на Игры будущий дважды чемпион попал с «подачи» приятеля-грека, к которому студент Оксфордского университета Боланд приехал погостить на Пасху, а в соревнованиях в парном разряде он участвовал только потому, что партнер Трауна заболел.)
На Играх 1900 в Париже в борьбу за теннисное «золото» Олимпиад включились и женщины. Первой олимпийской чемпионкой по теннису стала англичанка Шейла Купер, она же стала и первой в истории женщиной, получившей олимпийское «золото» вообще. К моменту своего олимпийского триумфа Купер трижды выигрывала Уимблдонский турнир (еще два «уимблдонских титула» она получила после парижской Олимпиады).
Теннисисты участвовали в Играх вплоть до 1924. Потом теннис исключили из олимпийской программы: ввиду того, что различия между статусом теннисистов-профессионалов и теннисистов-любителей, по словам официальных лиц, «стали чрезвычайно расплывчатыми».
На сессии МОК в Стамбуле в 1987 состоялась «олимпийская реабилитация» тенниса. Еще раньше, в 1968 и 1984, теннисисты выступали на Играх с показательными выступлениями. Официальному признанию «запретного» вида спорта руководством МОК способствовала его невероятная популярность во всем мире и появление «открытого тенниса». Олимпийскими чемпионами по теннису на Играх в Сеуле в 1988 стали словак Милослав Мечирж и немка Штеффи Граф. На двух следующих Играх победу в одиночном разряде одержали Марк Россе и Андре Агасси у мужчин и Дженнифер Каприати и Линдсэй Дэвенпорт у женщин. На Олимпиаде-2000 в Сиднее настал час триумфа российских теннисистов. Чемпионом Игр стал Евгений Кафельников, а юной Елене Дементьевой лишь недостаток опыта не позволил переиграть в финале американку Венус Уильямс.
В целях дальнейшей пропаганды олимпийского тенниса ИТФ создал символический Клуб медалистов-олимпийцев, в который входят призеры Олимпийских и Паралимпийских игр по теннису.
Опубликовано: 03.08.2009 ПОХОЖИЕ СТАТЬИ:1. Агасси, Андре – Andre Kirk Agassi is an American retired professional tennis player and former World No.1 who was one of the sports most dominant players from the early 1990s to the mid-2000s. Generally considered by critics and fellow players to be one of the greatest tennis players of all time, as a result, he is credited for helping to revive the popularity of tennis during the 1990s. In singles tennis, Agassi is an eight-time Grand Slam champion, Agassi was the first male player to win all four Grand Slam tournaments on three different surfaces, and the last American male to win both the French Open and the Australian Open. He also won 17 ATP Masters Series titles and was part of the winning Davis Cup teams in 1990,1992 and 1995, Agassi returned to World No.1 in 1999 and enjoyed the most successful run of his career over the next four years. During his 20-plus year tour career, Agassi was known by the nickname The Punisher and he is the founder of the Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation, which has raised over $60 million for at-risk children in Southern Nevada. In 2001, the Foundation opened the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy in Las Vegas and he has been married to fellow tennis player Steffi Graf since 2001. Andre Agassi was born in Las Vegas, Nevada to Emmanuel Mike Agassi and his father stated he is from a mixed, mostly Armenian, heritage. He later elaborated that his grandfather was Assyrian who married an Armenian woman, Andre Agassis mother, Betty, is a breast cancer survivor. He has three older siblings – Rita, Philip and Tami, one of his ancestors changed his surname from Agassian to Agassi to avoid persecution. In a passage from the book Open, Agassi details how his father made him play a match for money with football legend Jim Brown, in 1979, Brown was at a Vegas tennis club complaining to the owner about a money match that was canceled. Agassis father stepped in and told Brown that he could play his son, Brown lost those sets, 3–6, 3–6, declined the 10K wager, and offered to play the third set for $500. At age 13, Andre was sent to Nick Bollettieris Tennis Academy in Florida and he was meant to stay for only 3 months because that was all his father could afford. After thirty minutes of watching Agassi play, Bollettieri called Mike and said, hes here for free, claiming that Agassi had more natural talent than anyone else he had seen. Agassi dropped out of school in the ninth grade, Agassi turned professional at the age of 16 and competed in his first tournament at La Quinta, California. He won his first match against John Austin, but then lost his match to Mats Wilander. By the end of the year, Agassi was ranked world no.91 and he won his first top-level singles title in 1987 at the Sul American Open in Itaparica and ended the year ranked world no.25. During the year, he set the record for most consecutive victories by a male teenager. His year-end ranking was world no,3, behind second-ranked Ivan Lendl and top-ranked Mats Wilander
2. Азаренко, Виктория Фёдоровна – Victória Fyódorovna Azárenka is a Belarusian professional tennis player. She is a former world No.1 and is currently world No.48 as of 21 March 2017 and she has won two Australian Open singles titles, becoming the only Belarusian player, male or female, to win a Grand Slam singles title. On July 31,1989, Azarenka was born in Minsk, Byelorussian SSR, Soviet Union to Alla and she has an elder brother Max. Azarenkas tennis idol is German former player Steffi Graf, in an interview, Azarenka stated, Grafs Calendar Golden Slam in 1988 is my biggest motivation. At age 15, Azarenka moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, from Minsk, Belarus, in this she was aided by National Hockey League goalie Nikolai Khabibulin and his wife, who is a friend of Azarenkas mother. In 2012 she moved to Monaco and in August 2013 she bought a new house in Los Angeles, Azarenka is fluent in Belarusian, Russian, and English and has some handling of French and Ukrainian. In 2011 she briefly considered a break from the sport of tennis to focus on education, however, after a conversation with her grandmother and it is the inspiration from her grandmother that is regarded as the key for her continued developments in the sport. Azarenka has spoken openly about her experience of depression during her absence from professional tennis in 2014. Azarenka and her boyfriend, Billy McKeague have one son, Leo, Azarenka debuted on the ITF junior tour in November 2003 in Israel, winning one doubles title with countrywoman Olga Govortsova. At Wimbledon, Azarenka reached the semifinals of the competition, only to be defeated by eventual runner-up Ana Ivanovic. She continued to participate in ITF tournaments in 2004, and at the end of the season she had a rank of 508 on WTA singles tour, Azarenka had a successful year in 2005, winning two junior Grand Slams, the Australian and US championships. She ended the season as the junior world No.1 and was named the 2005 World Champion by the ITF, in addition, she reached her first semifinal on the main tour in Guangzhou, China. She went from the draw of the tournament to the main draw. At the 2006 Wimbledon Championships Azarenka lost in 1st round to 2005 Junior Wimbledon and 2006 Junior French Open Champion and Wildcard Agnieszka Radwańska. 2006 US Open, she had her first win over Myskina in the first round, in her next tournament, Azarenka reached her second pro-level semifinal in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, losing to Sun Tiantian. She finished the year reaching the final of an ITF event in Pittsburgh,96, Azarenka began the year by playing two tournaments in Australia. She lost in the round of qualifying at the Moorilla Hobart International. At the Australian Open, Azarenka reached the round of a Grand Slam singles tournament for the second consecutive time
3. Баррет, Герберт – Herbert Roper Barrett, KC was a tennis player from Great Britain. Barrett was born on 24 November 1873 in Upton, Essex, at the London Olympics in 1908 Barrett won a gold medal in the mens indoor doubles event with Arthur Gore. They also won the doubles in Wimbledon in 1909, in 1912 and 1913 he won the Wimbledon doubles title with Charles Dixon. He played his first Wimbledon singles competition in 1898, reaching the round in which he lost to eventual finalist Lawrence Doherty. Over the following years he would make appearances at Wimbledon until his final participation in 1921. He participated in the first Davis Cup in 1900 and was the captain of the winning British Davis Cup team in 1933. His most successful tournament wins were at the Suffolk Championships at Saxmundham which he won 17 times between 1898 and 1921 and he died on 27 July 1943. org medals overview Times Obituary Tennis Archives - Player Profile
4. Беккер, Борис – Boris Franz Becker is a German former world No.1 professional tennis player. He is a major singles champion, including, having been the youngest Wimbledon mens champion when he was 17. He has won 3 Wimbledon titles and he also won 13 Masters Series titles, five elite indoor titles. He is the player to have won all 3 Open era season end finals ATP Tour Finals, WCT Finals. Becker also won Olympic gold medal in doubles, Tennis magazine ranked Becker the 11th best male player of the period 1965–2005. He also coached Novak Djokovic for three years beginning in 2013, Boris Becker was born in Leimen, Germany, the only son of Elvira and Karl-Heinz Becker. His mother was Catholic, and they raised him as a Catholic and his father Karl-Heinz, an architect, founded a tennis centre in Leimen, where Becker learned the game. Becker turned professional in 1984, under the guidance of Romanian-born coach Günther Bosch and Romanian manager Ion Ţiriac, and won his first professional doubles title that year in Munich. As a German teenager, Becker won the Tennis World Young Masters at the NEC in Birmingham in 1985, two weeks later, on 7 July, he became the first unseeded player and the first German to win the Wimbledon singles title, defeating Kevin Curren in four sets. Becker was at that time ranked 20th in ATP ranking, and was unseeded and he was the youngest ever male Grand Slam singles champion at 17 years,227 days. Two months after his triumph, Becker became the youngest winner of the Cincinnati Open, Becker has since said that The plan from my parents for me was to finish school, go to university, get a proper degree and learn something respectful. The last thing on everyones mind was me becoming a tennis professional, in 1986, Becker successfully defended his Wimbledon title, defeating world no.1 Ivan Lendl in straight sets in the final. In 1987 Becker, then ranked world no,2, was upset in the second round of Wimbledon by the world no.70 player, Peter Doohan. In the Davis Cup that year, Becker and John McEnroe played one of the longest matches in tennis history, Becker won 4–6, 15–13, 8–10, 6–2, 6–2. The match lasted 6 hours and 22 minutes, Becker was back in the Wimbledon final in 1988, where he lost in four sets to Stefan Edberg in a match that marked the start of one of Wimbledons great rivalries. Becker also helped West Germany win its first Davis Cup in 1988 and he won the year-end Masters title in New York City, defeating five-time champion Lendl in the final. The same year he won season ending WCT Finals for the rival World Championship Tennis tour. In 1989, Becker won two Grand Slam singles titles, the year he won more than one
5. Боланд, Джон Пий – He was also noteworthy as a gold medallist tennis player at the first modern Olympics. In 1892 he graduated with a BA from London University and he had studied for a semester in Bonn, Germany, where he was a member of Bavaria Bonn, a student fraternity that is member of the Cartellverband. Boland studied law at Christ Church, Oxford, graduating with a BA in 1896 and MA in 1901, although called to the Bar in 1897, he never practised. He was the first Olympic champion in tennis for Great Britain and Ireland at the first modern Olympics, Boland visited his friend Thrasyvoulos Manos in Athens during the Olympics, and Manos, a member of the organising committee, entered Boland in the tennis tournament. Boland then entered the event with Traun, the German runner whom he had defeated in the first round of the singles. Together, they won the doubles event and they defeated Aristidis and Konstantinos Akratopoulos of Greece in the first round, had a bye in the semifinals, and defeated Demetrios Petrokokkinos of Greece and Kasdaglis in the final. The officials agreed to have an Irish flag prepared, following a visit to Kerry he became concerned about the lack of literacy among the native population, he also had a keen interest in the Irish Language. In 1908, Boland was appointed a member of the commission for the foundation of the National University of Ireland, from 1926 to 1947, he was General Secretary of the Catholic Truth Society. He received a knighthood, becoming a Knight of St. Gregory in recognition for his work in Education. He married Eileen Moloney, in 1902, she was the daughter of an Australian Dr Patrick Moloney. He had one son and five daughters, his daughter Honor Crowley succeeded her husband Fred Crowley upon his death sitting as Fianna Fáil TD for South Kerry from 1945 until 1966 and his daughter Bridget Boland was a playwright who wrote the The Prisoner. He died at his home in London on St. Patricks Day 1958, from Bonn to Athens, single and return the diary of John Pius Boland, olympic champion Athens 1896. Biography from the International Olympic Committee
Соревнования по теннису на XXIX летних Олимпийских играх прошли с 10 по 17 августа. 176 спортсменов из 49 стран разыграли четыре комплекта наград.
Успешнее всего выступила сборная России, выигравшая по 1 награде каждого достоинства, причём все 3 медали принесли России девушки в женском одиночном разряде — Елена Дементьева, Динара Сафина и Вера Звонарёва, полностью занявшие пьедестал почёта.
Рафаэль Надаль, победивший в мужском одиночном разряде, стал первым в истории олимпийским чемпионом по теннису от Испании. До этого на счету испанцев в теннисе было 6 серебряных и 3 бронзовые олимпийские награды. Ещё одно серебро Испании принесли Анабель Медина Гарригес и Вирхиния Руано Паскуаль в женском парном разряде.
Сёстры Винус и Серена Уильямс повторили свой успех 2000 года, когда в Сиднее они стали олимпийскими чемпионками в парном разряде. Уильямс повторили достижение американской пары Джиджи Фернандес и Мэри Джо Фернандес (не родственниц), побеждавших в женском парном разряде на Олимпиадах 1992 и 1996 годов.
Винус Уильямс стала первой женщиной в истории, выигравшей 3 золотые олимпийские награды в теннисе (в 2000 году в Сиднее Винус выиграла золото в обоих разрядах). Среди мужчин трёхкратным олимпийским чемпионом по теннису является только британец Реджинальд Дохерти, побеждавший за 100 лет до Уильямс. Интересно, что подобно Винус Реджинальд на Олимпиаде 1900 года в Париже выиграл 2 золота (в мужском и смешанном парном разрядах), а через 8 лет в Лондоне победил в парном разряде. Более того, в 1900 году в Париже Реджинальд выиграл парный разряд вместе со своим братом Лоуренсом, подобно тому, как Винус победжала в паре со своей сестрой Сереной.
Чилиец Фернандо Гонсалес, уступивший в финале Надалю и получивший серебро, «собрал» полный комплект олимпийских наград — 4 годами ранее в Афинах он выиграл золото в парном разряде (с Николасом Массу) и бронзу в одиночном разряде.
Роджер Федерер и Станислас Вавринка, победив в парном разряде, принесли Швейцарии вторую олимпийскую медаль в теннисе в истории (в 1992 году также золото в одиночном разряде выиграл Марк Россе).
Местом проведения соревнований был Олимпийский зеленый теннисный центр.
Каждая страна имела право заявить 6 женщин и 6 мужчин, с учетом того, что в одиночном разряде каждая страна должна иметь не больше 4 спортсменов, а в парном разряде не больше 2 пар.
Критерия Квалификация Дата Мужчины Женщины Одиночки ПарыМировой рейтинг | 48 теннисистов квалифицируется согласно мировому рейтингу. Каждый спортсмен, который квалифицировался на одиночные соревнования автоматически имеет право принимать участие и в парном разряде. | 9 июня, 2008 | 48 | 48 |
Приглашение комиссии | 2 места в мужском разряде и два места в женском. | Апрель — Июнь 2008 | 2 | 2 |
Финальная квалификация | 8 мест будет распределено по мировому рейтингу, 6 мест будут распределены для различных континентов и НОК. | 2 июля, 2008 | 14 | 14 |
Мировой рейтинг | 10 теннисистов квалифицируется согласно мировому рейтингу. Каждый спортсмен, который квалифицировался на одиночные соревнования автоматически имеет право принимать участие и в парном разряде. | 9 июня, 2008 | 10 | 10 |
Финальная квалификация | Последние 86 мест будут распределены для различных континентов и НОК. | 2 июня, 2008 | ? | ? |
По следующим критериям теннисисты могут квалифицироваться на олимпийский турнир:
Мужчины ATP
Женщины WTA